
It is possible to buy a sponsorship and there is a choice between two packages:


Gold Sponsorship (Cost €2,000):

Company name and logo on the ICMS2018 website and circulated materials

A ‘table top’ exhibition space (table measures 150 x 75 cm)

‘Zap Stands’ / roll-ups (one per stand) can be used behind the tables (not ‘nomadic’ style)

Full symposium attendance for one person

Invitation to the drinks reception in the Scholar’s Garden

Invitation to the Symposium Dinner in the Great Hall of Clare College


Silver Sponsorship (Cost €500):

Company name and logo on the ICMS2018 website

Option to have literature available to the conference attendees on a shared table top in the exhibition area


The number of sponsorship opportunities for the ICMS2018 is limited to so please apply early to avoid disappointment. Please note that sponsors must register at the registration site to attend the ICMS2018. The purchase of a sponsorship does not automatically register you for the conference.


If you would be interested to apply for a Gold or Silver Sponsorship then please contact Duncan Jarman for a quotation.





Gold sponsors



Silver sponsors