
ソフィオンでは2020年9月22日(火)AM11:00からPM3:30 オンラインによるユーザーミーティングの開催を予定しています。


Zoom ウェビナーへのアクセス方法(英語版)は、こちらをクリックしてください。

11:00 AM  Sophion最新ニュース紹介
Sophion Bioscienceグローバルプロダクトマネージャー Mads Korsgaard氏
11:30 AM  Charles River Laboratories社
Biology Discovery グループリーダー Jonathan Mann氏
12:00 正午  Knopp Biosciences社 Alexander Komarov氏
12:30 PM  Astellas Institute社 Dang Dao氏
01:00 PM  イェール大学 Mark Estacion氏
01:30 PM  Xenon Pharmaceuticals社 Sam Goodchild氏
02:00 PM  Nocion Therapeutics社 Jim Ellis氏
02:30 PM  Sophion Bioscience Inc. Sung Hoon ParkによるQPatch IIデモ


参加をご希望の方は、Schyler Kingまでメールにてご連絡ください。。




2000年7月5日、Sophion Bioscienceはデンマークの製薬会社であるNeuroSearchからスピンオフする形で設立されました。もう20年も経ったことが信じられません。

当社のサーバーにある年表と、Sophionの最初のCEOであるTorsten Freltoftが残した記録から、創業当初の数年間を振り返るのは興味深いところです。恐らくすべての新興企業と同様に、当時のSophionでも資本集めが、最終的にQPatchを生み出す開発体制を維持するための日常生活の一部であったはずです。またこの記録では、サッカートーナメントや学会後の楽しい夜の催しについて、そしてもちろん2001年にオープンしたSophionの新しい施設の落成式についても多くのページが割かれています。



Sophion がQPatchを発表し、その製造を開始した2005年、このときからビジネスの焦点は開発のための資本の確保からグローバルな成長の維持へと移り変わりました。その頃、社内のとある人物がこれからのビジョン1つとして記したことは、今後APCシステムの潜在的ユーザーが求めるものは単にシステムや測定用のプレートだけではなく、アプリケーション担当の科学者とフィールドサービス担当の技術者から強力なサポートであり、それらは他のベンダーから提供されていないと言う指摘でした。 それから16年後の今日、私たちは今でも同じ原則で会社を運営しており、ユーザーは常にアプリケーション担当の科学者とフィールドサービス担当の技術者で構成される専任チームによってサポートされています。

2005年から2010年までの数年間で、新規システムの納入数は急増し、Sophionは4年連続でデンマークにおいて最も急成長している企業としてリストに掲載されました。生産部門が新しいユーザーへのシステムの安定した供給を維持するのに忙しかった間、開発部門ではQPatchの新しい機能に関する開発を続け、とりわけ、世界初の自動化されたRs補正、リガンド作動性チャネルに向けた展開、48チャネルシステムであるQPatch HTへの拡張、マルチホールQPlate、およびカレントクランプ機能を新たに導入しました。これらの機能は今ではすべてのSophion製品と多くの市販製品で標準となっています。

2011年、Biolin Scientificと統合されたことでSophionに大きな変革が起こりました。その時点でSophionは「ほんの」11歳でしたが、会社として急速に成長することを強いられました。Biolin時代に植え付けられたプロ意識と構造化された会社組織から我々は今でも恩恵を受けています。より効率的なサプライチェーンと財務報告システム、ならびにISO 9001認証は、すべて私たちが今日の状況を享受し、さらに将来に向けて適切に備えるプロセスであったと言えるでしょう。

Qube 384が2014年に導入されると、イオンチャネル創薬の手法は転換期を迎えます。384もの独立したチャネルの使用が可能となることで、一次スクリーニングからパッチクランプ実験を導入することが一気に現実的になりました。 2015年にプレートを自動供給するスタッカー機能が導入されたことで、最大15枚のQChipを使った無人スクリーニングを夜通し実行できるようになり、今日では主要なCROや製薬企業において、Qube 384が日常的にそのように運用されています。

しかしBiolin Scientificという大企業への統合は商業的には成功せず、2017年のマネジメント・バイアウト(MBO)によって再びSophionは自ら「家の主」となりました。その後、皆さまもご存じの通り、事業は再び加速します。QPatch II 48、QPatch II 16Qube OptoオンラインV½推定、そして新たな改良が施された温度コントローラーの導入により、当社のAPCシステムは今まで以上に使いやすくなり、より高度な機能を備えることになります。直近4年間において前年比2桁の成長を遂げたことで、これまで以上に多くのEUプロジェクト、業界内におけるパートナーシップ、そして学術的なコラボレーションが行われている、大変興味深い新しい状況に今日の当社はあります。

2020年、Sophion Bioscineceはかつて無いほど逞しくなり、大変厳しい「コロナクォーター」であった2020年第2四半期においても、その将来は明るく有望です。未だロックダウンが続いている地域もありますが、一方で研究活動が再開されつつある地域もまたあることを、この数週間にコペンハーゲンから出荷されたSophionのAPCを梱包した木箱が明確に示しています。









How easy is it to use Qube?

At Sophion we believe that ease of use is important. When a customer spontaneously express clear appreciation of how easy it is to use our systems, we know we got it right:

“It was true that it’s really up and running after two days training. We are very pleased”

Maija Ivaska, Research Assistant, Orion Pharma

Ease of use does not come by itself with sophisticated electrophysiological recordings in automated patch clamp, but is embedded in the Sophion DNA.

Ask for a demo anywhere in the world to experience this yourself. We are so confident that you will be allowed to run your own experiments at the end of the first day….and that is not always the case with APC instruments.

With our instruments you can perform experiments with a very low risk of human error and large degree standardization, enabling easy learning, many operators and high laboratory efficiency.

Read more about Qube here.

Neuroscience 2018

Hope to see you in San Diego in November for the annual SfN meeting. You can find us at booth #1933. Want to know more about Neuroscience click here.

Much more information about our activities during the event will be posted.

Qube Opto 384 – for optical stimulation of ion channels or compounds.

Optical stimulation combined with Automated Patch Clamp allows for precise control of e.g. channelrhodopsins, caged compounds and pacing studies. To allow for even better control than with our standard APC solutions, we have now integrated 384 adjustable LEDs to allow for optical stimulation of ion channels, ligands or compounds.

To compensate for heating due to the large amount of energy released, we have adapted our on-site temperature control, so temperature effects are reduced to a minimum.

To avoid desensitization from ambient light we have darkened the cabinet so Qube looks even cooler, having a distant resemblance to a well-known character from a movie happening in a galaxy far, far away.

  • 384 LEDs to ensure consistent and even light distribution throughout all 384 sites
  • Light ramps and other waveforms through adjustment of timing, duration and intensity of light
  • Integrated temperature control to avoid unwanted temperature effect
  • Full LED control integrated in Qube software
  • Dark cabinet allows for automated handling of light sensitive compounds and cells

During the coming months we will be playing with this new setup ourselves together with a few select partners. If you are also interested to discover the full potential of this setup and would like to come play with us, you are welcome to contact Sandra Wilson ( or visit booth #518 at Biophysics for more information.

Qube 384 and Qube Opto 384 – The darker cabinet on the Opto version is to avoid desensitization from ambient light and to ensure compliance to EU directives
Optical dose-response study with ten sweeps from 10% to 100% light intensity, show light saturation around 40-50% intensity
Light ramps or other waveforms can be defined directly in the Qube software for more advanced control

High throughput screening on Nav1.1 using Qube

The voltage-gated sodium channel NaV1.1 is highly expressed in fast spiking interneurons (FSIs), which are important for memory encoding and other cognitive functions. An impaired function of FSIs is associated with disorders like autism, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s and others. Potentiators of NaV1.1 have been shown to minimize cognitive dysfunction in transgenic mice with decreased levels of NaV1.1 in parvalbumin-positive neurons and this target thus lend itself to therapeutic intervention. The challenge is to identify the molecule with the desired mode-of-action which inherently requires electrophysiology. In summary we show that Qube 384 provides:

  • Success rates up to 97%
  • Stable, unattended measurements over 7 hours
  • Consistent current voltage relationship
  • High reliability of detecting NaV1.1 activators

For the full application report please see here.


This year you can meet the following Sophion people:

  • Richard Kondo, sales manager, North America
  • Weifeng Yu, director of customer support, North America
  • Daniel Sauter, applications scientist, North America
  • Thomas Binzer, vice president – R&d & Marketing


On Wednesday, February 7, 2018, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Daniel Sauter will be presenting a poster titled (Poster Number 1319-E-):

HT Automation for patch clamp based primary screen for NaV1.1 using Qube384

Read more about SLAS2018 here.

hCav1.2 recordings on Qube 384 using step, train and CiPA protocols

Some ion channels have a tendency to exhibit reducing current level in the course of an experiment. A notable member of this class is the CaV1.2 channel, a very important ion channel expressed in nervous tissue, the heart and smooth muscle and thus a target for a range of therapeutics as well as a liability target for other groups of medications. Therefore it is important to be able to record reliably, stably and with a high success rate in the pursue of novel compounds with the desired profile on CaV1.2 modulation. Qube 384 provides a stable assay with the CaV1.2 channel generated by SB Drug Discovery with these characteristics:

  • Pharmacology and current-voltage relationship in accordance with literature values
  • Success rates up to 94%
  • Stable currents with rundown as low as (1.2 ± 0.9)% per minute
  • The CiPA protocol yields stable currents with rundown as low as (1 ± 1)% per minute

For the full application report please see here.

Note that we have another Qube Application Report on Cav1.2 on another commercially available cell line underlining the robustness of the Qube platform. Find both of them here

For more information please contact

Biophysics 2018 – here we come!

Time flies and soon BPS2018 will kick-off in San Francisco. We look forward to see you in San Francisco and hope that you will join us for the below events:

  • Satellite meeting – Friday, February 16th
  • Beer tasting and dining – Saturday, February 17th
  • Sophion Ion Channel meeting – Tuesday, February 20th
  • Poster presentation – Wednesday, February 21st

Read much more about each event here and make sure to sign up as the seats fill up quickly.



Sophion User Meeting, Boston – Save the date!

We are still working with the agenda but can, at this point, reveal that we have the pleasure of having Julie Klint, Lundbeck as one of several speakers. Julie will give a talk titled: Finding NaV1.1 activators – development and validation of a HTS suitable assay on the Qube. Also Noah Shuart from Xenon will be giving a talk.


Sophion Bioscience, Inc.
400 Trade Center Drive, Suite 6900, Woburn, MA 01801


April 10th

11.30 AM        Registration and lunch buffet

01.00 PM        Presentations

02.30 PM        Coffee break

03.00 PM        Presentations

04.30 PM        Wrap up

05.30 PM        Wine tasting event onsite


April 11th

08.45 AM        Registration and coffee

09.30 AM        Presentations

10.30 AM        Coffee break

12.00 Noon     Lunch

02.00 PM        Wrap-up


Local hotels:

Hilton Boston/Woburn
2 Forbes Road, Woburn, MA
Phone: +1 781-932-0999

Crowne Plaza Boston/Woburn
15 Middlesex Canal Park Drive, Woburn, MA
Phone: +1 781-935-8760

Comfort Inn Boston/Woburn
14 Hill St, Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: +1 781-933-5363


Registration for ICMS2018 is now open

Wednesday and Thursday 20th and 21st June, 2018 Sophion will be arranging and hosting the third Ion Channel Modulation Symposium at Clare College in Cambridge (UK) and it is now possible to register for the event.

Click here to read more.

We look forward to seeing you in Cambridge next June.

Fast desensitizing ion channels recorded on Qube 384

Some ligand gated ion channels have a tendency to desensitize over time, making it difficult to establish a stable assay baseline. Rapid compound washout can counteract desensitization by reducing ligand exposure time to a minimum.

On Qube 384 the minimum washout is now less than 1 second (0.8 s), enabling stable assay for fast desensitizing ion channels.

With nAChRa1 as model, acetyl choline as agonist and tetracaine as test compound, a stable and high performance assay was established with:

  • Ligand exposure time 0.8 s
  • Whole-cell resistance of average 1.2 GΩ
  • Overall success rate of 89%
  • Very tight data – CV of ≤ 9% for control rows and columns
  • Z’ > 0.70
  • No desensitization observed

You can read the whole report here.

High throughput screening for mode-of-action on Nav1.4

A high-fidelity patch clamp set up is necessary to discover use-dependent mode of action. Qube is a second generation automated patch clamp system that fulfills this requirement and allows for testing of many thousands of compounds per day in an unattended fashion. Using Qube in a drug development cascade allows to ask the right questions during the primary screen, making a follow-up validation study obsolete. Some key points for a Qube screening like this are:

  • Giga-ohm seal
  • 99% average success rates
  • Very tight data
  • Discrimination between different modes-of-action

To read the full report click here

Biophysical Society 62nd Annual Meeting

We look forward to Biophysics 2018 where we will be doing a lot of activities:

First of all you can meet with our ion channel experts at our booth #518 at the Moscone Center.

Satellite Meeting

Friday, 16th February Sophion will be hosting the annually recurring satellite meeting, Drug Discovery for Ion Channels. 

See the agenda for the meeting here and make sure to sign up as the spaces are limited. 

Beer Tasting & Dinner

Saturday, 17th February we have the pleasure of inviting you to an informal evening of beer tasting, good food and great networking at the Bartlett Hall in San Francisco.

Make sure to sign up for this event here. Limited number of seats so be quick.

Ion Channel Mini Symposium

Tuesday, 20th February we will be having a short meeting at the conference center with the presentation title: Drug discovery and electrophysiological characterization using automated patch clamp (QPatch).

Venue: Room 6, Moscone Center, San Francisco – sign up here for the meeting:

10:30 – 11:00
Dr Damian Bell, Iontas Ltd.
Efficient ion channel cell line generation using MaxCyte electroporation and QPatch validation

11:00 – 11:30
Dr Daniel Sauter, Application Scientist, Sophion Bioscience A/S
Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (Cor.4U) characterized on an automated planar patch clamp set up (QPatch HT)

11:30 – 12:00
Dr Alan Wickenden, Scientific Director & Fellow, Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology, Janssen R&D, L.L.C
NaViGATING the long and winding road to new analgesics: Discovery of potent, selective, closed-state peptide Nav1.7 blockers

Refreshments will be served.

Poster Presentation

Wednesday, 21st February between 10.30 AM and 11.30 AM, Dr Daniel Sauter will present a poster titled:

Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (Cor.4U) characterized on an automated planar patch clamp setup (QPatch HT)

Poster board no. B301

Sophion Seminar & Workshop – Japan

You are invited to the Sophion Seminar & Workshop in Japan at Sophion Bioscience K.K.’s premises:


Waseda Research Park
1011 Nishitomida, Honjo, Saitama 367-0035, Japan



10:00          Registration

10:30          Welcome remarks and safety briefing
Dr. Yuji Tsurubuchi, Country Manager, Sophion Bioscience K.K., Japan

10:40          New ownership and future strategy at Sophion (tentative)
Mr. Thais Johansen, CEO, Sophion Bioscience A/S, Denmark

11:00          Educational lecture: Redox Physiology of TRP channels
Prof. Yasuo Mori, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan

12:00          Lunch break and new Sophion K.K. lab tour
Each participant is assigned to either group A or B at the time of registration. The tour starts at 12:00 and 12:45 for group A and B, respectively. Lunch is served for group A after the tour.

13:30          Potency of ReproNeuro “Human iPS derived neurons” in the drug discovery support
Dr. Makoto Honda, ReproCELL, Inc., Japan

13:50          iPS derived human cells; iCel®, MyCell® DDP/ “disease in a dish” and ideas of application for drug discovery
Dr. Ko Zushida, Cellular Dynamics International Japan Co., Ltd.

14:20          Using the QPatch HTX to drive drug discovery: ligand-gated ion channels
Dr. Robert E. Petroski, Scientist IV/Manager Neurophysiology, Dart Neuroscience LLC, USA

15:00          Coffee break

15:30          Targeting T-type calcium channel for anti-pain drug discovery
Dr. Norio Hashimoto, Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd., Japan

16:10          Exemplar of optical recording from neural and cardiac activities
Mr. Kenji Tsubokura, Brain Vision Co., Ltd., Japan

16:30          CiPA – novel drug safety assessment
Ms. Melanie Schupp, Application Scientist, Sophion Bioscience A/S, Denmark

16:50          Closing remarks
Mr. Naoto Ueda, President & CEO, Physio-Tech Co., Ltd., Japan

16.55          Bus transportation to the venue of reception

17:30          Reception (food and beverages are served)
Saitama Grand Hotel Honjo

19:30          Bus transportation to Honjo Waseda Station



Qube version “Duck” is now available

Enjoy current clamp combined with voltage clamp in the same sweep and on all 384 sites to make you results very tight. Cool or heat at the recording site to investigate the temperature sensitivity of the pharmacology you are interested in. Load Qube with stock solutions and let it dilute it to the final test concentration only seconds before adding it to the cell. This and many more updates is the latest results of the constant development Sophion is putting into our products based on inputs from our customers.

Voltage- and current clamp on induced pluripotent cardiomyocytes with Qube 384

Action potentials are induced in both HL-1 mouse atrial cardiomyocytes and Axiogenesis Cor.4U iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes.

Voltage- and current clamp on induced pluripotent cardiomyocytes with Qube 384. Action potentials are induced in both HL-1 mouse atrial cardiomyocytes and Axiogenesis Cor.4U iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Qube can combine voltage clamp and current clamp in the same sweep for added experimental control. Click here to read more.